"@graduate.hku.hk" users can switch to using the "@connect.hku.hk" email service, an outsourced email platform powered by Microsoft.
By using the service, you are agreeing to the following terms and understand that you will not be able to switch back to "@graduate.hku.hk". Please read them carefully.
- The account name of your @connect.hku.hk will be assigned according to your student record in the University's Student Information System (SIS)
- The email forwarding you set in @graduate.hku.hk will NOT be set in @connect.hku.hk
- The alias you created for @graduate.hku.hk will NOT be created in @connect.hku.hk
- Your emails in @graduate.hku.hk will NOT be copied to @connect.hku.hk
- Your @graduate.hku.hk email account will be deactivated after 30 days from the creation of your @connect.hku.hk email account
Please enter the following information and click the Submit button:
* If you have forgotten the password, click here.
* If you have forgotten the account name and password, click here.