Registration 新用戶註冊

Please complete the following sections. All information collected will be kept strictly confidential and for statistical purposes only.

(8 to 30 alphanumeric characters without space in between 8至30個字母數字型字符, 字符間不能有空格)
1.  Province 所在地
     Others(please specify) 其他(請註明)
2.  How did you learn about HKU and this admission scheme?
     Others(please specify) 其他(請註明)
3.  Your main concern when choosing a university is :
     Others(please specify) 其他(請註明)
4.  Profession of Father 父親從事的職業:
     Others(please specify) 其他(請註明)
5.  Profession of Mother 母親從事的職業:
     Others(please specify) 其他(請註明)
(At least 8 characters without space 至少8個字符,字符間不能有空格)
